Electricity is a prerequisite for our modern lifestyle. Every little aspect of our life is connected to electricity in some way or the other. However, the use of fossil fuels and natural resources to produce electricity has put a substantive toll on the environment. Thus, solar panels green solar energy is considered the future of energy production.

Sustainability is the key to the future. We’re looking for sustainable alternatives for all the amenities of our modern lifestyle, and green solar energy is one of the most sustainable, affordable sources of renewable energy available.

However, people are often concerned about the utility of solar energy since it was initially deemed to be too weak compared to fossil fuels. But, over the years, solar energy has made it as one of the most popular forms of energy productions out there. They’ve powered millions of homes, offices and large-scale infrastructure.

In Australia alone, solar energy makes up 21% of the total electricity production in Australia. In this article, we’re going to discuss why solar panels are a good idea for your home. Let’s begin!

Renewable Energy:

For as long as the sun shines above us, we’ll have solar energy available. It’s a renewable source of energy that only requires a clear sky for us to harness. Green solar energy is available  in every part of the world, almost every day.

Furthermore, appliances like Tesla Powerwall lets us store solar energy for long hours which we can use during storms and cloudy days. The chances of power outages are also significantly less than grid connections.

Cost Efficient:

Although solar energy involves an early investment, the costs get significantly cheaper throughout the years. A full solar-powered system requires solar panels, inverters and batteries. These appliances can survive significant wear and tear to give you a few good years of use without replacements. As a result, the costs get adjusted as you keep using your panels.

Furthermore, to encourage the use of renewable energy, the Australian Government provides the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) to provide families with economic support to set up their first green solar system, which can reduce the initial costs significantly.

Also, if you have a surplus, you can sell additional electricity to certain companies. These will help you save costs while making a profit in the process. This is a great way to have a constant flow of income without too much effort.

Low Maintenance Costs:

Solar panels are generally very sturdy and will last a few years easily. The material is strong enough to withstand natural wear and tear. It could easily survive storms, heavy winds and unbearably hot summers.

However, it can accumulate dirt which requires cleaning. Furthermore, we recommend that you get it checked by an expert twice a year. So, you would have to spend a small amount of money every year for maintenance.  But the maintenance costs are very manageable. 

Peak Hour Efficiency:

Generally, the cost of electricity is the highest during peak hours. Generally during 11:00-16:00 is when we use electricity the most. To make matters easier, that’s the time when solar energy is available in plenty. 

Even if you don’t use solar panels full-time, you can use them to run your heavy appliances during peak hours. By doing so, you can save a significant bit of money on electric bills.

Increased Home Value:

Although solar panels decrease your costs by a significant amount, it also increases the value of your house by a mile. Considering the hype around renewable, green solar energy as well as the benefits it brings,  the setup costs will only increase.

So, if you plan on selling your house in the future, a complete solar energy system will be a great factor to add value to your home.


While getting a generator will provide you with a lot of benefits. However, there are a few caveats that you need to keep in mind, as well. These include:

Upfront Investment:

As we’ve mentioned before, the cost gets cheaper with time. However, there is an initial investment for purchase and setting up all the resources. For some people, the sum might come off as a bit hefty.

For this reason, we recommend having an idea about solar panels first. How much power do you need and how much do you need to spend on it. Having an idea about your budget can save the initial investment significantly.

Weather Dependent: 

While this writes for itself, it’s still an essential part of your selection. Solar panels depend on the availability of sunlight to produce electricity. So, during cloudy days or storms, you won’t be able to get any electricity from your solar panels.

If your region has a long monsoon, or storms happen there frequently, we recommend getting a connection to the grid for those times. Furthermore, you can use batteries to store electricity as well. However, such batteries aren’t readily available and are significantly expensive as well.

Space Consumption: 

Solar panels require a fair bit of space. The more energy you produce, the more space you need. Also, you have to make sure the panels get adequate sunlight and aren’t covered by trees or shades. 

Talk to your solar energy providing company and get to know how much space you’ll require. If necessary, use solar panels in your roof as well. You can also choose to power parts of your house with green solar energy to conserve space. 


The future lies in sustainability. To tackle the increasing pollution and carbon emissions, we have to think of the future. And renewable energy sources like solar energy, wind energy, and hydroelectricity is the way to go.

Green solar energy has come a long way from where it began. The technology has significantly advanced while making it more and more affordable for people. But, people generally don’t invest in solar energy due to a lack of awareness. In this article, we’ve tried to give you an idea of whether solar energy is right for you. We hope you found this useful!