In the Australian National Broadband Policy, it is stated that “A future with cheap, sustainable and secure electricity supplied by renewable energy sources such as solar power, geothermal, biomass, wind and hydro has the potential to deliver a significant boost to Australia’s economic growth.” 

There is a need to make this vision a reality. So, why have experts and different organizations come up with a solution and name it “solar power for all“?

The need for this is because we are running out of fossil fuels. Fossil fuel supply will run out in the foreseeable future. Aside from the fact that the earth is blessed with so many natural resources, we have to utilize them in order to live and be healthy. With no sun, no heat, and zero electricity, we will suffer the consequences.

What Is Solar Power for Your Home And Should You Switch to It?

Solar power for all is a way of ensuring that we will be able to provide a safe and clean atmosphere for the next generations. Solar energy is one of the most accessible energy sources. It also has a very minimal impact on the environment. This is why it is being called the ‘perfect power source.’

The Sun strikes the Planet with about as much radiation in two hours as humans consume per year globally.

Thermal solar

On a bright day, don’t you get warm in the sunlight more than in the shade? It’s due to the fact that when our skin receives sunshine, it converts a portion of it into heat energy. We can make good use of this heat!

Concentrated solar power (CSP

This focuses daylight onto such a limited region by using a huge quantity of mirrors. The focused light is being used to change the temperature of a liquid (water, oils, perhaps molten salt) to extremely high levels. Such energy is then utilized to heat the environment, saved for future usage, or turned to power by removing moisture and producing steam.

A Greener Earth

Solar power for all means not only saving our funds but also contributing to making the earth green. As we all know, the Earth is constantly being bombarded by ultraviolet rays. These rays are damaging and can lead to serious skin problems, cancer, and other diseases.

By installing a home solar power system, we can help save the ozone layer. As people become more aware of the dangers of global warming, they tend to switch to alternative energy sources. 

Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions

By installing solar power systems, we will contribute towards reducing Australia’s Carbon dioxide emissions by about 30%. We can also help keep the planet safe from the harmful effects of global warming by using solar energy. The sooner we start using solar power, the sooner we can all get out of the harmful carbon dioxide emission cycle.

How You Can Receive Help

There are many government grants that are available to help you get your home solar power system up and running. This is how you can get your solar power system financed. When you finance your home solar energy system with a government grant, you reduce your monthly power bills and contribute towards a cleaner planet. In fact, there are many government grants that are being offered for residential and commercial properties.

When you decide to go for solar power for your home, you will also be contributing towards the green movement. There are many environmental groups that have been working hard to promote the idea of solar power. This is why they are now supporting the concept of solar power for homes. It is one of their major agendas.

More Advantages! 

With a solar energy system in your house, you won’t need to think about buying any new power supplies. Solar power is considered the most environmentally friendly energy source as it does not produce any pollution. 

Also, solar energy is the most renewable source of energy as it cannot be deleted. Solar energy produces no smoke, so it is good for the environment too. So, if you are still skeptical about switching over to solar energy, then you would have to admit that switching your entire home to solar power would be one of the wisest things you can do. Not only for your wallet but also for the environment.

Monetary Benefits

The other advantage of going solar is that you will get monetary benefits, depending upon the amount of power you generate for your home. You will get monetary savings every month as you won’t need to pay your electricity suppliers anymore. 

Health Benefits

Not only that, but solar energy also provides you with several health benefits. 

Solar energy helps in curing several diseases like stress, arthritis, and asthma, as it helps in relieving pains and aches.

Last, but not least, we would never want to go back to the traditional method of extracting fossil fuels which release toxic gases into the atmosphere. Solar energy is also an alternative form of energy that does not cause pollution. Why we should switch to solar power for our home? Isn’t it time to make an eco-friendly change for the betterment of the planet and for your own personal well-being?

Time to Make A Change for Good

The time has come to take a stand against all the pollutants polluting our environment. Why we should switch to solar? This may seem too obvious, yet it is still a question that keeps bothering us until now. It would be wise to start shifting to solar energy sooner rather than later. So what are you waiting for? Go out and switch to solar today!


Using minor goods and home renovations to enhance one’s house’s efficiency is a wonderful practice, however, the greatest chance to reduce one’s carbon emissions and energy bills is with a residential photovoltaic system. If you’re thinking of getting solar, do not hesitate to reach out to GreenLight Solar for help or guidance!Â