Climate change is a massive problem in Australia. At the same time, many families are sick and tired of rising energy costs. Allow me to make a bold statement. Climate change activists and average consumers now share a common goal. It is a goal to shift to alternative energy solutions. Asking why? The answer: home energy solutions.

Home energy solutions are technologies that reduce energy waste. It’s a great way for Australian families to control their energy costs. They can power their homes by storing energy from the grid in batteries. Solar arrays and wind turbines provide renewable sources of energy. And they are getting cheaper day by day.

These solutions are beneficial to the environment. By reducing grid use, families can consume fewer fossil fuels. They can reduce their carbon footprint by a significant amount. Fewer greenhouse emissions and cleaner energy will help states meet their goals. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Are you ready to cut your costs and give back to the environment? Are you wondering how to start? Read on to find out the best home energy solutions for you.

Solar Panels

The most popular home energy solutions harness the power of the Sun. With solar panels, you can do it too.

These panels take in solar energy and convert it into power. For the best results, put them where there is direct sunlight. Your rooftop is a good bet. The more sunlight the panels can capture, the more power they can generate. On average, you’ll get around ten watts per square foot.

You can use the power generated to run your appliances. When used sensibly, it can cut your energy costs by a great deal. Power-hungry appliances won’t put as huge a dent as they used to. If you can pay for the full setup, you’ll get generous tax credits and rebates. You get to keep all the energy you produce. You can even sell excess energy you don’t use. All this can help you pay back the investment.

However, solar energy isn’t enough to power an entire household. Nor is it enough to meet monthly energy requirements. But it can reduce energy use from the grid. That results in significant savings for families. Solar energy is clean and reliable. It is not harmful to the environment.

Solar Shingles

A great alternative to solar panels is using solar shingles. They are best for families who don’t have a good enough rooftop. Solar shingles are small, lightweight, and can snap on to your roof. They can even replace the roof shingles you have.

These shingles are an excellent gateway to the world of solar energy. The costs of installation are not that high. Nor do you have to spend a lot of money upfront. The power may not be enough for your entire house. But solar shingles can still cut costs.

For an added benefit, they look better than solar panels. They offer a sleek and refined look to every house.

Solar Appliances

If you don’t care about powering your entire home, look into these solutions. They are handy tools that trap sunlight to perform tasks. They can cook your food, air-condition your room, and even heat water.

You can buy them from a utility company, at reduced costs. You can even make solar ovens at home. It’s super easy to construct. All you need is a pizza box, some aluminium foil, black construction paper, and a clear plastic wrap.

Solar ovens work by reflecting heat from the Sun onto the food you want to heat up. On a bright sunny day, they can get up to 200 F. While they are slower than modern ovens, they work just as fine. Solar water heaters use sunlight to warm up a reservoir of water. The heated water is then pumped up to your faucets. Solar air-conditioners use the same principle, but to cool your room.

With these tools, you can greatly cut on your energy use. Electric ovens, air-conditioners, and water heaters are power-hungry.

Tesla Powerwall

Of course, solar energy only works when the Sun is up. Wouldn’t it be great to find a way to store all that good stuff? Well, look no further than the Tesla Powerwall.

The Tesla Powerwall is a battery that stores the energy you don’t use. That energy can come from your grid. It can come from your solar panels.

With the energy stored in the battery, you can power your home when the sun is down. It’s a godsend for families looking to cut energy costs at night. The Powerwall supplies enough to run most, if not all, of your appliances.

The Powerwall can even work during outages and storms. With companies like Reposit, you can even sell the stored energy. While the initial investment for a Powerwall is high, it’s worth it.

Wind Turbines

In Addition, let’s talk about wind turbines. To make use of it, you need to have a lot of space. Existing laws must allow you to build wind turbines. If those things are true, you should invest in a wind turbine system.

Wind turbines generate much more power than solar panels. The power is more than enough to keep your entire home running. The amount of power you get depends on the wind speed and height of the turbine. At high wind speeds, a taller turbine will generate more power. A shorter one with lower wind speeds will generate less.

Of course, there are obvious downsides. Wind turbines take up a lot of space. They look unattractive and are noisy. If you can deal with that, wind turbines are amazing. They can help you switch to clean energy.

Hydro-Electric Generators

Water sustains life. Now it can sustain your home’s energy needs. Therefore it to work, you need to live near water streams or sources. If you do, consider a hydro-electric generator.

Using one, you can generate an immense amount of stable power. There is minimal fluctuation. The power is clean and plentiful enough for all your appliances.

The amount of power you get depends on the vertical distance of water travel. The more the distance, the better. However, you need an expert to install a generator for you.


Finally, with these home energy solutions, you will be ready to cut your energy costs and help the environment. Now’s the best time to hop on the clean energy train.