Solar energy is slowly becoming the most popular form of energy for Home Energy Solar Panels. It’s sustainable, renewable, and available abundantly. Furthermore, they provide a plethora of benefits when compared to conventional fossil fuel or other forms of renewable energy. 

To reduce dependence on fossil fuels, most governments advise on using renewable energy. As a result, they provide lucrative subsidies and grants to make the process more convenient. 

However, moving to solar energy requires a bit of effort. You have to keep in mind a few factors before starting your home energy solar system. In this article, we’re going to discuss some of these points. Let’s begin!

Things to Consider Before Getting Your Solar Panels:

Check Your Finances:

Although solar energy will reduce your costs through the years, there is an initial investment involved. So, you have to count your finances before investing.

Generally, a home energy solar system costs range from 3,000AUD to 10,000AUD. While the price can change based on the technicalities of your house, it will likely stay in that range. It’s essential to make sure that the investment won’t cut a hole through your pocket.

Furthermore, if you cannot afford solar panels, for the time being, you can lease your rooftop to contractors as well. A solar panel lease can remain for up to 20 years where you would have to pay in instalments. This can reduce your expenses significantly.

However, if you lease a system, it’s very likely that you won’t be eligible for tax benefits or rebates. But, your maintenance costs and repairs will be maintained by your contractor so that you can save up money in that way.

Furthermore, you can sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) as well, if none of buying or leasing is right for you. In a PPA, you give a contractor full autonomy. They will place the solar panels, perform routine maintenance and keep everything running. You’ll have to pay per kW for any amount of electricity you use.

Although PPAs are cheaper than grid connection or leasing your panels, you don’t have the option to buy the panels after the agreement ends. So, keep that in mind as well.

Calculate Your Consumption:

How much electricity you use regularly will give you an idea about your costs after getting solar electricity. You can ask your electric company to provide you with a breakdown of your annual costs, or you can calculate based on your monthly bills.

You’ll find your consumption measured in kilowatt-hours. Find your annual consumption and see whether getting home energy solar panels will be useful for you or not.

You can use a solar mapping tool to measure how much solar energy you can get from your household. They’ll check The position of your house, the presence of trees, and access to sunlight to give you an idea. 

See if you Have Enough Space:

We generally build solar panels on our rooftops due to uninterrupted space and availability of sunlight. However, you have to make sure you have enough space on your roof for solar panels.

Generally, four solar panels can produce 1kWh energy taking up a space of 100sqft. So, typically you’d need 500sqft of available space to place your panels for adequate electricity. 

However, you need to keep a few other things in check alongside available space. Make sure the area gets adequate sunlight, and there are no interruptions. If necessary, trim nearby trees to give your solar panels the necessary space.

We recommend discussing the size and number of panels and the required space with your contractor before starting the project. Your contractor can provide you with a clear idea about space. 

Choose the Right Contractor:

If you plan on getting a home energy solar panels system, you might be wondering who is the right contractor for you. Chances are, there are a lot of contractors in your region, all of them providing different services.

Only go for contractors who have licenses and paperwork to back up their service. A quick google search will show you who are the licensed contractors in your area, making your life easier.

Furthermore, talk to multiple contractors before choosing one. Give them relevant information and ask questions about the technical aspects. Also, make sure to ask them about warranties and after-sales service.

We recommend that you go for the provider who gives the most comprehensive service. Don’t go for the cheapest alternative if that’s not the best alternative.

Take the Necessary Approvals:

You might require approval from relevant authorities before starting your home energy solar panels system. If you live in a rented house, discuss the project with your landlord before moving forward.

Talk to your homeowners’ association and see what approvals you’d need. Make sure you’re on par with all the legal affairs for a seamless experience.

Look for Grants and Subsidies:

Before you start making your home energy solar system, see if you’re eligible for the relevant subsidies and tax returns. This will reduce your expenses further.

Households in Australia that have solar panels or other renewable energy sources will be eligible for the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). This means they’ll receive grants on the total cost of the system.

However, you must be eligible for the SRES to avail it. The criteria involve infrastructure requirements, paperwork and inspections.


When it comes to renewable energy, the question isn’t whether you should get renewable energy or not, instead, when should you get renewable energy.

Solar energy is a great way to reduce your dependence on fossil fuels. Furthermore, it saves you money and provides you with sufficient government subsidies and benefits. And to make your life easier, it increases the value of your property by a mile. This is beneficial if you plan on selling your property.

However, getting a home energy solar system still requires some research. We’ve discussed the technical aspects that you should consider before getting solar panels. We hope you find this article helpful!