Solar energy is commonly considered as one of the most notable clean energy successful projects. Once the sun is shining on a solar array, the energy is acquired by the Photovoltaic modules in the panel. 

Such energy generates electrical charges that travel in reaction to inner electric fields in the cells, resulting in the flow of electric current. Let us look into the basics before we go through possible innovative solutions for solar energy. 

The quantity of sunlight that reaches the surface of the earth during an hour and a half should be sufficient to power the entire globe for like a year. Photovoltaic (PV) screens or mirrors that intensify solar radiation are used in solar systems to transform light energy into electrical energy. That energy is being used to create power or saved in batteries or thermo-storage systems.

Radiation from the sun is light released by the sun, otherwise termed electromagnetic radiation. Whereas every point on Planet obtains considerable sunlight throughout the course of a year, the quantity of solar energy that affects any one position on the surface of the earth fluctuates. Photovoltaic systems absorb this radiation & convert it into usable power.

Basics of System Integration:

Solar power technologies do not stop at PV / CSP installations that generate power. Such photovoltaic systems should be linked into residences, businesses, as well as existing electrical networks, using a variety of traditional & alternative energy sources.

The Fundamentals of the Solar Industry:

Solar energy solutions come in a variety of sizes and forms. Solar panels can be seen on roofs across Australia, and companies are increasingly deciding to install them. Utilities are also constructing big solar power facilities to supply electricity to all grid-connected consumers.

How To Store This Energy After Sunset?

Solar energy can assist to cut electricity costs, contribute to a robust power grid, create employment and grow the economy, produce power backup for nights as well as outages when combined with storing, and work at comparable efficiency on both big and small sizes.

Power via solar farms are now frequently supplied at prices lower than those of energy generated by coal and natural gas generators, and lower-cost batteries are fuelling growing sales of powered mobility including a construction boom of grid power storage facilities.

Photovoltaic arrays are an excellent renewable resource, but they only produce electricity when the sun shines. This is when solar batteries come in handy.

Innovative Solutions for Solar Energy Storage

It is environmentally friendly since it allows you to use the sun to generate your own electricity rather than relying on the grid. Because it uses less electricity from the grid, it is also a more cost-effective way to supply your house – and may help you save money on the electricity costs. Nonetheless, install solar paneling is really only one component in establishing a sustainable photovoltaic installation. 

Add batteries to any solar energy system:

Solar panels are a good place to start, but they’ll only produce electricity when the sun shines. That is when a solar battery might come in handy.

It saves any unused energy through your solar panels for usage at night or on overcast days. Because you’re spending less on grid electricity, it’s still a wonderful method to do more with your personal renewable energy.

The AGL batteries allow you to give back to your community. It may communicate with other residential solar batteries in your neighborhood to form a Real Power Plant and assist the grid whenever required, such as on a hot afternoon when many people are turning on the air conditioning at the same time.

And How Would Solar Panels & Batteries Connect?

Long-term energy storage has enormous promise in a world where solar power is dominating new power plant expansions and increasingly displacing other sources of electricity. Because solar only produces at specific periods of the year, they require a complementary technology to assist fill the gaps. Lithium-ion batteries, which now offer 99 % storage space, become cost-prohibitive when stretched out for hours.

A residential solar system is made up of several components. First, there is solar power, which provides electricity to an inverter. This energy is then routed via a switchboard and sent to your living area appliances.

If you have rechargeable solar panels, your switchboard sends any extra solar energy to your battery conserving it for eventual use. So when the sun sets or you use extra energy than the panels generate, the stored energy in your battery will power household devices. And then if your battery runs out of power, the grid will come to your rescue.

Sunlight is captured by solar panels. The solar energy flows as dc supply (DC) via the solar inverter before being transformed to electrical power (AC) power that may be used by daily appliances.

The solar energy is then directed to where it is required via the switchboard. It will first fuel your living area equipment, then divert any surplus to the batteries inverter.

The energy is converted into reusable energies by the battery inverter.

So when the sun is setting, the battery retains the energy for later use.

Innovative Stacked blocks: 

Rather than using batteries, what if you put away extra electricity by harnessing a six-armed robotic elevator to pile up or stacked up thousands of purpose-built, tonnes of monoliths into a tower and then drop them back down when you wanted to release the power?

This business would control the industry if slick slide decks determined technical arms races. The concept came from iterating on gravity storage is pumped hydro, but modifying it for more geographic variety and avoiding the restrictions stated above.

Moreover, two more appropriate inventions can be chosen: a PV mobile charger and a sodium light unit regulator. A study relied on the analysis and presentation of interviews as well as questionnaires. According to the findings, (53 percent) of respondents are prepared to purchase a PV mobile charger based on its life cycle but also efficiency, even though it is pricey.


Selection criteria for innovative solutions for solar energy should include credible technologies, recent funding, economic traction (rated on a liberal long-duration curve), and not being insolvent. We hope this article has been useful to you!