Solar power panels have seen a great rise in use across Australia. Due to cost reductions, many families have started investing in this technology. Generous state incentives and tax reductions make the investment even easier. On top of that, solar power panels have become quite efficient.

But there are a lot of solar systems on the market. It can get difficult to choose the right one for you. Thus, we’ve prepared this guide to help you out on your journey. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be using the best system for the most savings.

Figure out the size of your rooftop or outdoor space

This is a crucial first step for an efficient solar system. Solar power panels need space to operate. The more space that is available, the better. The increased surface area for the panels will allow them to absorb more light energy.

Regardless of whether you have a small or large space, it pays to have it filled with panels. But you should consider how to best use all that space. If you have a small space, you might have to invest in more efficient panels. These solar power panels can generate more energy per operational time. But they can be expensive compared to other options.

If you have a large space, it might be smart to fill it up with cheaper panels. While these panels are less efficient, they’ll produce a greater output. This is because you won’t be able to fill up a large space with expensive panels. The combined effect of the low-efficient panels is greater than fewer high-efficient panels.

Of course, if money is a non-issue, then feel free to invest in high-efficient Sunpower solar panels. Even if upfront costs are high, they’ll pay for themselves much faster. You can reduce the payback time a great deal.

Choose which panel type to use

You’re a little confused at all the different options on the market. Which one is the best? Which one is great value for money? To navigate the market, you don’t need to know the intricacies of each panel type. But knowing about their pros and cons will go a long way.

The oldest and most advanced are monocrystalline solar power panels. They have a rated efficiency ranging from 15% to 20%. Sunpower solar power panels can reach up to 25%. That is amazing efficiency for a clean energy system.  The efficiency is thanks to the pure silicon and hi-tech methods that these panels use. Unfortunately, these panels are the most expensive ones on the market.

Polycrystalline solar power panels are an excellent mid-range option. They are not made with the purest silicon or the most efficient techniques. They still offer great efficiency. It often ranges from 10% to 18%. These panels are not a great deal inefficient compared to monocrystalline options. They occupy less space and cost fewer bucks too.

If you’re looking for the absolute best, go for monocrystalline. But if you aren’t ready for that investment, polycrystalline panels are great.

Research on the different solar systems available

There are many solar power systems in Australia. Each of them is great for a specific use case. Figuring out what your energy consumption looks like is important. It’s also smart to set your expectations and desired returns.

You can connect your solar power panels to the grid. Excess energy that you produce will feed into the grid. The grid and the solar system will work in tandem to produce the energy you need. In such a system, you can sell your extra energy for money. This is usually in the form of Feed-in-Tariffs. The whole grid-connect system is fast, easy, and cheap to install. You can scale it up or down depending on your energy needs. This is perfect for families who consume a lot of electricity. A downside is that you won’t have power in the event of a blackout. Some Feed-in-Tariff rates may not be profitable in the long run.

Another popular option is what’s called a “hybrid solar system”. Your solar power panels will hook up to the grid. But the excess energy will transfer to a battery for storage. This is a great option for families looking to cut energy costs at night. You can use the stored energy collected from the day. It is enough to power a lot of appliances. The battery can provide backup in the event of a blackout or poor weather. This is a massive benefit for families who hate sudden power outages. To enjoy these benefits, you need to fork out a lot of cash. Maintenance and upfront costs are high and you need a specialist to set it up for you.

Calculate the payback time

The best investors calculate their ROI before making an investment. The idea’s the same here. Before giving the final go-ahead, you should calculate the savings you’ll make.

The payback time is when you’ll have recovered your initial investment. It depends on how much energy you produce from your solar power panels. The energy produced depends on your location, weather, energy use, and panel efficiency. For most solar systems, the payback time is usually around 4-8 years. After this period, you’ll be earning real cash in savings and energy sales.

The reliability of a brand is a huge factor too. If you buy a system that fails before the payback time, you’ll lose real money. A company that goes bankrupt won’t help maintain your system. But if a brand has continued customer support, this won’t be a problem. Having durable solar power panels is a huge boon. If they last 20 years and your payback time is 8 years, you will have made 12 years’ worth of real cash.


Using these techniques, you’ll be able to figure out the best solar power panels and system for your home. You won’t have to waste your money on an expensive system you don’t need. While the investment may seem daunting, you’ll be more confident in your decision. And when the time comes, you’ll reap all the benefits.