Basically, solar panels are a group of 60 or more cells that are solar. Panels can utilize diverse cell sorts and diverse cell arrangements. GreenLight Solar Australia might help you here perfectly. 

Solar panels gain energy from the sun and convert this energy into electricity for various home and commercial uses. 

Australia is one of the sunniest countries to humankind. In a world of global warming and other climatic calamities, natural resources of energy are increasingly declining. 

During the daytime, the rooftop with solar panels installed on them captivates photons from the sunlight. The silicon along with the conductors within the panels at that point converts this into vitality. Which is sent to an inverter to change over into power for your household.

The sun has unlimited energy flowing into our atmosphere in the form of sunlight and heat, why not make the best use of it? 


The contrast in execution between a poly or mono panel of a comparative wattage is completely minimal. 

Panel producers for the most part manufacture solar panels in 2 sizes – 60 cells “residential size”, around. 1m x 1.65m, and 72 cells approx 1m x 2m – “commercial size”. 72 cell boards are greater and heavier.

A few companies will cite family units ‘commercial sized’ boards to crush a higher amount of power out of minimum panels on your rooftop. However, that creates it more difficult to induce the ‘clamping zones’ correctly. In the event that the solar board clamps are not within the correct place, you compromise the panels’ life span since they can flex as well. 

Solar Inverters

The secondary fundamental aspect of a solar system establishment is the inverter, which may either be a string inverter (about the estimate of a briefcase) or also microinverters, especially which are roughly the estimate of a small book. 

Each solar panels connect to a string inverter which installation is connects a divider. A microinverter is introduced on the back of, or close to an individual solar panel. 

The inverter’s work is to change over the relentless DC power solar boards deliver into oscillations of 230 volts of AC power, which is most things in your domestic utilization.

The component that is most likely to fall flat in a solar power framework is the inverter, to begin with, ten to fifteen years. Usually, since they work truly difficult all day, thus they do suffer the consequences of wear and tear.

Solar Self-consumption

Households in Australia utilize a huge amount of amid the day or can set their apparatuses to run on clocks can have a self-consumption proportion of 50% or more and are common in the case of solar panels.

The sum of solar power utilized in a commonplace home will increment as the world becomes more dependent on electricity and all electrical appliances. 

Usage of Batteries

It will not be too big of a problem if your grid goes haywire, batteries will save you. Batteries ensure efficient security of energy. 

batteries moreover give a shape of protections against the hazard of power costs increasing and feed-in-tariffs declining.

An appropriately measured, accurately introduced and designed battery can decrease your framework utilized by up to 95%, making you nearly resistant to feed-in tariffs and electricity. 

Most Australians purchase solar control systems with handy cash. In case you’re debt-free and have money searching for a place, contributing to a solar power framework is worth a genuine and worthy consideration. 

About GreenLight Australia And Solar Power

GreenLight Australia is completely owned in Australia. GreenLight Australia is a company that is specialized in battery and solar installations. This company’s head office is situated in Penrith of Australia. This company looks forward to making work openings that will back neighbourhood economies and are committed to preparing and advancing staff from inside. Our group of solar pros have over 20 years’ worth of involvement within the solar industry.

GreenLight Solar Australia tailors your solar arrangement depending on your business’ power utilization and by taking into consideration your particular energy prerequisites.

Also, GreenLight Solar Australia guarantees that we provide precise and comprehensive data to lead you to a well-informed choice. GreenLight Solar Energy Solutions solidly accept that solar control is the most perfect way to a  feasible and strong future. 

Commercial Solutions:

GreenLight also help you with all the required approvals, the connection of your system to the grid network, and applications for the available rebates and feed-in tariffs.

Residential Solutions:

Solar specialists will assist you to plan a Solar Framework that best suits your way of life. We are going to give you a custom-fitted arrangement, based on your individual electricity usage and costs. We too assist you to get all the specified endorsements, an association of your framework to the grid network. And applications for the available rebates and feed-in tariffs. 

The solar radiation of Australia is the foremost in the world, an incredible resource for the sun-powered vitality era. And especially in this stage of execution of renewable sources of energy.

Strong winds and bushfires, rain as well, following the East Coast put framework solidness at hazard, influencing cables, substations and connectors, and causing power outages for thousands of houses. The zones struck most terrible by these conditions are those less associated with the grid. Hence, solar power is the best alternative in such extreme weather conditions in Australia. 

In fact, an hour of daylight is comparable to one year’s worth of vitality for the planet. No pollution occurs when we use solar energy – a good initiative to save our withering, dying planet. Furthermore, 174,000 terawatts of vitality reliably hit the soil as sun-powered radiation at any minute, indeed on the cloudiest of days too. 

Closing Remarks

We hope this article has been helpful to you. And gave you insight into GreenLight Australia and Solar Power in general. If you have any queries at all, do not hesitate to contact us! We would be more than happy to help you out regarding solar power and everything related to it.