Climate change is a matter of concern for everyone across the world. Just like most other parts of the world, Australia is also struggling with the effects of climate change. So, it’s crucial to take measures against it.

The use of renewable energy can be a great way to counteract the increasing effect of climate change. Because they’re easy to produce, sustainable, and affordable when compared to fossil fuels.

Solar energy is an excellent alternative to conventional fossil fuel or coal-based energy. Also, compared to other energy categories, it’s universally available. So, it’s a great option whether you’re getting it to power your house or your business.

However, getting a commercial solar system involves some technical aspects that you need to keep in mind. In this article, we’re going to discuss everything you need to know about commercial solar.

What is a Commercial Solar System?

In a commercial solar system, solar energy is used to fully or partially power a commercial enterprise. It can be done by either making an investment yourself or by leasing it to a third-party retailer through the Power Purchase Agreement. 

What makes the commercial solar system different from a household system is the use of technology. In a household system, space is a concern. To save space and costs, “60 cells” panels are used which are adequate for an average household.

However, utilising space and maximising production is the critical target in a commercial solar system. Thus, “75 cells” panels are used which can produce more electricity in a limited space. This is beneficial for companies due to their high power needs.

Benefits of Commercial Solar Plans:

The commercial solar system provides a plethora of benefits to a company. These include:

Decreased Electricity Cost:

Considering the amount of money you’d have to spend behind grid connections, a commercial solar plan can reduce your cost by a mile. Solar panels require very little maintenance so that the cost can be easily kept in check.

Furthermore, suppose you can utilise your solar plan carefully. In that case, you can also sell excess energy you produce for an additional cash flow.

Increased Value:

Solar panels can improve the value of your company significantly. It’s an investment that’s only going to get popular over the years, which will eventually increase the value of your company.

Suppose you plan on selling your current venture in the near future. In that case, solar panels can add significantly to the value of your investment.

Government Benefits:

To promote the use of solar panels and renewable energy, the Government of Australia provides lucrative subsidies and benefits to new users. 

If you have a solar system that produces less than 99kW, you’re eligible for rebates and cashback according to the STC program of the Australian Government. According to this program, you’ll be eligible for 550AUD per 1kW of electricity you produce.

Furthermore, if you have electricity production above 100kW, you’ll be eligible for LGC plans instead of STC’s. While you have to fulfil specific criteria, you’d still receive cashback and rebates to support your business.

Types of Commercial Solar Plans in Australia:

Generally, we can divide commercial solar plans into three categories. These include:

Less than 30kW:

If your solar panels produce less than 30kW electricity, your system is considered similar to a residential solar energy system. You’ll receive all the benefits a household system gets without any hassle.

Furthermore, you won’t have to pay extra for maintenance and routine servicing. However, you have to ensure the system is working properly to receive any financial benefit from the Government.

30kW- 100KW

Commercial solar panels of this size are generally seen in clubs, medium-sized businesses and small factories and retail businesses. 

To have a solar panel system of this size, you need to have permission from the local electricity network (DNSP). Furthermore, you’d need help from technicians to get your system running.

For a solar system this big, it requires regular maintenance. So. it’s better to take help from a professional contractor for our business.

100kW and Above:

For commercial solar systems of this size, you need to deal with a lot of paperwork. You have to get your company registered as an “accredited power station” with the Clean Energy Regulator of the Australian Government.

Furthermore, you have to ensure you’re complying with all the rules regarding solar panels and have metered according to the National Electricity Market Standards. You have to track your usage to be eligible for benefits properly.

Things You Need to Consider for a Commercial Solar System:

Although commercial solar systems have a plethora of benefits, there are certain factors you need to keep in mind before investing in one. These include:


You need to have enough space to get your system running. Generally, we recommend using the rooftop as the most suitable place for setting up your commercial solar system. However, you need to make sure your roof is strong enough to hold the weight of your panels. 

We recommend consulting with your solar service provider with detailed roof plan to see whether your roof can be used or not. Otherwise, you can use space in other places to get your system running.

Upfront Investment:

Although we’ve mentioned it before, getting a commercial solar plan requires an initial investment. Whether you invest, take the PPA program or take loans to fund your project, investment is necessary.

Before you make your payment, we recommend going through your companies finances to ensure that you can sustain such a project. Making financial decisions first hand can save you from hassle in the long run.\


Solar energy is one of the most popular forms of renewable energy available. However, making solar energy more accessible is essential.

Solar energy has a lot of potential in the commercial field. They can replace the load on grid lines while helping the company save costs in the process. If you’re planning to get commercial solar, we have discussed everything you need to know. We hope this article helps you!