Solar power is the future for families in Australia looking to go “off the grid”. It offers clean energy that doesn’t harm the environment. You don’t even need to take power from the grid. But to make the best use of the Sun, you need the right appliances.

There are many home appliances that eat up a lot of energy. Ovens, dryers, washing machines – you name it. These are avoidable loads that you can cut down with Solar power.

Many families still waste a lot of energy through bad habits. They leave the AC on. Or keep the heater running for longer than necessary. Solar power can help a great deal in this regard.

To enjoy the most savings, you need more efficient appliances. Solar power in Australia is not enough to power your entire home. Nor is it enough to run your most power-hungry appliances. That’s why we’ve picked out the best appliances for you. You’ll find a combination of solar-powered appliances as well as energy-efficient options.

Solar LED Lights

Outdoor lighting is popular for many households—particularly those with a garden or pool. But using traditional lighting can eat up a lot of energy. If you leave them on for too long, the costs can rise fast.

Solar power LED Lights have Sunpower solar panels attached to them. These panels store energy from the Sun. When the Sun falls, they use the stored energy to turn on. They can illuminate your porch, garden, patio, or pool.

These lights don’t need any electricity at all. All they need to operate is Solar power.

Solar Ovens

Ordinary ovens are one of the leading causes of rising energy costs. Wouldn’t it be great to opt for a cheaper alternative? Enter: Solar Oven. With a Solar power Oven, you can use the Solar power to heat up food, cook, or even pasteurise.

You can make a Solar power Oven right now. All you need is a pizza box and some aluminium. The basic principle is that incoming light has photons that can heat up the food. A transparent top allows light to filter through to the cooking vessel. The vessel heats up, and the thermal energy gets trapped by the aluminium barriers. The aluminium also helps by reflecting light.

On a bright, sunny day, the Solar Oven can reach 400 F. This is enough to heat up most food, cook a pizza, or even pasteurise milk. You get all this at almost no energy cost.

Solar Water Heaters

Another power hog is the water heater. Many Australian families often overuse it. Having an alternative that uses Solar power can be a godsend. It will allow households to enjoy amazing savings.

There are many kinds of Solar Water Heaters available. They work by harnessing Solar energy with Solar Panels. The heaters then rout that Solar power to copper heat tubes or heating fluids. These mediums pass through the cold water contained in a reservoir. The thermal energy is then transferred to the water, heating it up.

The most efficient Solar Water Heaters can provide enough warm water for a family of six. Most mid-range options can provide for a family of four. By harnessing the heat from Solar power, you can enjoy warm water for free.

Solar Air Conditioning

Air conditioners were one of the most inefficient home appliances around. Recently, great strides in efficiency have made them viable for use with Solar power.

Solar Air Conditioning involves powering air conditioners with Solar power. Many PV panels and arrays can be set up for this purpose. The trapped light energy from the Sun can drive the cooling processes. It works much like a normal air conditioner—hot air transfers to a refrigerant gas which circulates to a condenser. The condenser removes the extra heat and cools the air. The cooled air then moves back out to the external environment.

By using Solar Power for this process, you can enjoy staggering savings in energy costs. You can enjoy great cooling without worrying about the bill. While the costs of installation are high, you can make that money back. Through energy savings, you’ll reduce the payback time a great deal.

Smart Thermostat

If you’re using Solar power for regular ACs, then get a smart thermostat. It will change your life and how you approach air conditioning.

The thermostat can hook up to any heater or conditioner you have. You can set a target temperature that the thermostat will work to maintain. Once the house reaches that temperature, the thermostat turns off these appliances. This can save a lot of energy.

A smart thermostat can even take note of the weather. If rain or storms are on the way, the thermostat can notify you. You can then cut down on AC use when you get less Solar power due to inclement weather. The thermostat can also optimise your temperature during these times.

All these energy savings make it possible to operate ACs using only Solar power. It’s a great tool to help you transition to clean energy air conditioning.

Front Load Washing Machine

A Front Load Washing Machine uses much less power and water than a traditional option. If you have a solar array installed or want to use Solar power for washing purposes, this is a must-have.

These washing machines use half the water and half the electricity on average. While they may have a lower capacity, it’s a worthy trade-off. You can save a lot of money this way. Laundry is an essential household chore. Having a lot of savings in this regard is fantastic.

With lowered energy consumption, you can use Solar power for your washing machines. Once you do, you’ll never go back.


Solar power is nature’s gift to us all. If you use it with the right appliances, you can transform your consumption habits. With great savings and clean energy, Solar power is a wonderful way to start going off the grid. You can start your journey right now with this curated list of appliances.